Saturday, October 26, 2019

Mau Belajar Saham? Ya Harus Jual Beli Saham

. . . one must learn by experience the basic principles of successful dealing in securities through trading in active listed leaders, and particularly and must acquire the ability to control personal emotions or fear of loss, or greed for the larger profit, etc., which affect most people's decisions and are very costly.

Seseorang harus belajar prinsip dasar transaksi saham dengan melakukan jual beli saham besar yang aktif, dan harus belajar mengontrol emosi takut rugi, atau emosi serakah ingin untung lebih banyak.

Those who will select and master one medium are far better off than those who must dabble in realty, foreign exchange, commodities, obscure unlisted stocks, foreign bonds, etc.

Mereka yang memilih dan mendalami satu medium adalah jauh lebih baik daripada mereka yang mencoba-coba (bertransaksi) saham, valuta asing, komoditas, saham tak dikenal, obligasi luar negeri, dan sebagainya.

--Gerald M. Loeb di buku The Battle for Investment Survival

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[Pos ini ©2019 oleh Iyan Hak Cipta dilindungi Undang-Undang.]